INTRODUCTION T.G.Gacoki -Kenya National Highways Authority In the past all surveys in Kenya were based on Cassini-Solder projection, but the current trend is to change over to the universal transverse mercator (UTM). Ellipsoidal Cassini co-ordinates for the common points can be also computed on the excel spreadsheet, and where corresponding ellipsoidal coordinates in UTM are available, a seven parameter transformation can be obtained.Ģ Polynomial Transformation Of Cassini Coordinates To UTM Coordinates On The Excel Spreadsheet 1.

A general third degree polynomial can also be used for the transformation by computing twenty unknowns. The second worksheet computes the twelve transformation parameters necessary for the transformation by use of entries in the first worksheet, while the third worksheet computes the transformed coordinates in UTM by use of the entries in the first worksheet and the computed parameters in the second worksheet. The first worksheet is used for data entry. Three interconnected worksheets are used to compute the transformation. A general second degree polynomial is used to compute twelve parameters which includes two scale parameters, one for the eastings, and the other for the northings and ten other unknowns. 1 Polynomial Transformation Of Cassini Coordinates To UTM Coordinates On The Excel Spreadsheet This is a Peer Reviewed Paper T.G.Gacoki -Kenya National Highways Authority Key Words: Transformation, Polynomial, Cassini, UTM, Scale ABSTRACT A procedure for transforming Cassini grid coordinates (planimetric only) to UTM coordinates on the Excel spreadsheet is outlined.